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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day-- Yay!

You know...As I was standing in line to vote this morning, I got to thinking--We really do have a lot of freedoms as an adult. This may seem 100% random but it stemmed from Abby's blog post from yesterday about hosting her own Thanksgiving and how "grown up" life has it's negatives but it really has it's freedoms too.

I'll be honest, the last couple of days I've been a little off. My life was filled with "grown up" things like Josh having surgery, getting a cavity filled (I've never had a cavity in my 24 years of life and I was pretty upset/ nervous about it), trying to figure out some paperwork issues with buying a house and re-working my weekly budget after not working much last week. But, between reading Abby's post yesterday and realizing how awesome it was that I was in line to vote today, I started thinking about all of the greatness that surrounds being an adult. First off, I get to vote! Then there are the small things, like not having to be in bed by a certain time, no homework waiting to be done, deciding that I don't have to eat things like meatloaf, and the big things, like choosing to go on vacation when I have free time, feeling like I can actually make a difference in the world and deciding where to live. So yes, being an adult has tons of freedoms, and I am going to do my best to focus on those the next time that I'm having some off days thanks to "grown up" things.

Josh may have had surgery, but he is perfectly great and has two weeks to relax and that's more time we can spend together. I had a cavity filled, but it was itsy bitsy and I made it WAY worse in my head than it actually was. The paperwork is frustrating, but we are buying a house!!! And yes, my paycheck will be a little short this week thanks to hurricane Sandy, but I also had a mini vacation last week thanks to those days off. Life is what you make it my friends.

Happy Tuesday, and more importantly, Happy Election Day!

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