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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Texas Things!

So I'm back from Texas, and I greatly apologize for the lack of blog posts during my vacation! I was pretty pre-occupied with the touristy activities, wedding attending and getting engaged. That's right- getting engaged :) You know what that means, I now get to blog about wedding in general, but also the awesome and exciting journey of planning my own!

In the meantime, here are a few things about Texas that I greatly enjoyed:

Getting to witness a traveling "something". In this case, a Mr. Potato Head. It's hard to see, but the guy laying on the ground is definitely taking a picture of him with the Alamo!

The fact that my lovely fiancé was convinced these were "missile silos" when he was a kid.

There are baby horses everywhere!

That I got the chance to meet Katie and attend Stormy and Katie's wedding (of course). It was absolutely gorgeous and she is a doll!